MYOB’s search ranking success with quality SEO copywriting

Read how we delivered SEO results that saw MYOB’s organic traffic grow 10% month-on-month and sent crucial keywords 'accounting software' soaring to the top spot on Google in Australia.

SEO content writing delivers ROI for MYOB

MYOB has been in the accounting software game for more than 30 years – they were one of Australia’s first tech start-ups in the 1980s. They’re known as thought leaders because they always up their game, bringing innovative new tech to the market. But why do they remain an industry leader in Australia and New Zealand? MYOB listens to its customers and knows what their businesses need.

When it comes to their marketing, this means delivering informative, user-friendly content to support the small to medium enterprises (SMEs), one of their key target markets. This content does three things: shows Google that MYOB is a thought leader, provides helpful information to their clients and helps boost their organic web traffic and keyword search rankings.

We spoke to Dean Mendes, Demand Generation & Social Manager at MYOB, about how their SEO content had been missing that special something — a deep, local insight that only someone with boots on the ground could offer.

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Better SEO down under

In the quest to ramp up its SEO game, MYOB faced a pivotal challenge – increasing organic traffic to its site in a way that added value and aligned with customer needs. Their previous partnership with an international SEO agency wasn't cutting it. The provider didn’t have the local insight or product knowledge to write quality content, so the MYOB team had to spend significant time changing and reworking the copy supplied.

“We speak to 18 different customers, talking about 18 different products, and it’s very nuanced to the New Zealand and Australian tax market,” explains Dean.

That’s where Words For Breakfast comes in.

No need to tender

WFB is a trusted local copywriting partner with a track record of understanding MYOB's unique market – we’ve been writing for MYOB in Australia and New Zealand for over a decade. When Dean started his search for a new SEO content agency, he knew our knack for demystifying tax talk would resonate with the MYOB audience. This wasn't just about keyword stuffing; it was about creating meaningful content that people wanted to read – content that provided value.

“Normally, we would do a tender for a contract this big. But because we already had that relationship with WFB, it was an easy decision. We gave them 40 test articles and they performed incredibly well,” says Dean.

High-quality content, straight to market

MYOB's partnership with WFB improved the content's quality and revolutionised their entire workflow. The capacity for content production almost doubled from 12 to 20 guides per month — without any dip in quality or increase in time for the MYOB team.

The reason for this efficiency boost?

"The team is highly responsive and the quality of work is really good. Whether it’s a blog, customer story or an article, we can usually go straight to market with it. It saves us a lot of time," says Dean.  

He explains that the new streamlined process, with all the teams coordinating through a single Trello board and one main point of contact, makes things smoother for everyone involved.  

"In the past, individual teams came to WFB with separate briefs. Now, it’s all streamlined into one Trello board," says Dean.

Product knowledge and local insights

Of course, the new, streamlined process wasn’t the only improvement. After writing countless guides, case studies and articles for MYOB over the years, we’ve gained a lot of knowledge of their products and business, which flowed through into the new SEO guides. As a New Zealand-based business, we were also able to nail the local tone of voice and the complexities of the Australian and New Zealand tax markets.

This meant most of the content only needed minor edits before going live. Dean explains that this is a big contrast with the previous content provider.  

“When we did get a draft in, we’d have to run our eyes deep, put in a lot of changes and make recommendations for where we’d have to change content,” he says. “Whereas now, it’s more just a quick review. It goes through and gets a secondary SEO review to make sure the keywords are met, then we put it through.”

Sending organic traffic soaring

Accounting software is a competitive search category in Australia and New Zealand due to its highly competitive industry. To cut through all that competition and rise up the search ranks, MYOB needed to produce informative, engaging content that also hit the SEO mark.

Thanks to WFB’s combination of storytelling flair and SEO savvy, the new guides are doing just that – and MYOB is seeing the results in real time.

“We’re growing month-on-month, increasing the organic traffic at over 10% a month,” Dean enthuses.

Search rankings have also seen a massive boost.

“For key search term ‘accounting software,’ we were either eighth or tenth,” says Dean. “And then last month, we moved to the number one ranking on Google for ‘accounting software’ in Australia, which is a really big effort for us. And that’s just one example.”

Hear it straight from MYOB

SEO content writing partnership delivers ROI

For any business, being found online is just as important as being trusted. That’s why MYOB's strategic shift to Words for Breakfast for SEO copywriting was a masterstroke. Quality content, expertly crafted with clever SEO planning, has not only pushed their organic traffic through the roof but has also seen their online guides resonate deeply with local businesses.

The results speak for themselves. MYOB’s Marketing Content Specialist, Caroline Roberts, shares:

“The guides are performing really well. Here are some numbers for year-to-date (AU only):

  • engagement increased by 200%
  • organic keywords increased by 100%
  • keyword rankings up between 1st and 3rd place
  • bounce rate down by almost 50%

“We’re also tracking MYOB Business sign-ups and ERP enquiries, and it’s great to see some traffic coming from the guides,” she says.

Want to amplify your reach with SEO content? Get in touch!

Helen Steemson

The lead copywriter and creative director at Words for Breakfast. She spends much of her time working with the copy writing team across a variety of projects.